So lets gather a few pieces of information from that terminal command we ran. We’ll need to fix your GPT partition table in order for your Mac to recognize your macOS partition so we can boot into it.

Your data exists but your Macbook doesn’t really recognize that partition as valid. The good news is that you won’t! See when you trashed that Linux partition a little while ago, you really screwed up your APFS container and your GPT partition table. You fire up Terminal in Recovery mode and runĪnd you see this freaking oddity! That 2nd partition that has all your data is now is named FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF its looking more and more likely that you’ll have to wipe your hard drive and start all over. Well your mac boots into Internet Recovery and it doesn’t even recognize your internal drive. Now if you are slightly technologically inclined, you must have said to yourself, lets just boot into Internet Recovery right? Just Command (⌘) and R into it, reinstall the OS over your existing installation and voila! In fact it mocks you by saying you need to load a kernel first. Oh boy! You frantically type in words like “boot” or “mac” but it doesn’t really recognize any of those commands. You move on, you forget about that you even did this but the next time you reboot your Macbook, it boots to this screen! The grey screen of dual-boot death on a Macbook You installed Linux on your shiny Macbook Pro but now you’ve run out of space on your hard drive and lets be honest, you really haven’t used linux in the last year or two so you decide to go ahead and delete the linux partition on your hard drive to free up some space.